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Pattachitra Art Workshop By The Circle Community

Pattachitra Painting

The Pattachitra art form is a traditional cloth-based scroll painting method that originated and is currently based in the Indian states of Odisha and West Bengal. Pattchitra is made out of two words, Patta- Canvas and Chitra- Drawing a Picture. It is known for its intricacy and detailing as well as mentioning historical events like Mahabharata and Ramayana in pictorial representations. The proper Pattachitra method is drawn on organic manuscripts produced by drying palm leaves and then drawing and painting on them.

To introduce the relaxing and amazing art form to our circle family, we at TCC organized a workshop and invited expert artist Tanaya Kar as the facilitator.

About The Artist

Tanaya is an ardent art enthusiast who loves to draw amazing artworks which are mesmerizing and have an appealing nature. She is pursuing her undergraduate in Fashion Design from the National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bhuvaneshwar. She fell in love with art and aesthetics at an early age and understood its utmost importance after joining NIFT. Tanaya finds peace and liberation by doing art and thus she started doing art from standard eight. She loves to share her experiences with fellow art enthusiasts through workshops.

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And The Workshop Began

The workshop began with a brief introduction to Tanaya and her journey as an artist, Tanaya then greeted and expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards the attendees. She started the workshop by elaborating about the Pattachitra art, Its history, and cultural significance. Before drawing the artwork, she listed out the materials required for the session, and with this, she started creating the artwork all from scratch. She laid a lot of emphasis on the outlining and carving of the figure as in this art form figures are drawn with maximum attributes and features are carved in a beautiful way. The attendees were very engrossed in the session as they were co-creating with Tanaya. 

Towards The End Of The Workshop

As the workshop progressed towards completion, the attendees were able to create their artworks and present them to Tanaya for feedback, who found each of them, very beautiful and full of effort. In the end, Tanaya shared some of the most important tips with the attendees, Thereafter the workshop concluded with the attendees thanking Tanaya for teaching the art form in such a fun and easy manner.

The attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to various age groups, but their love for art brought them together on a single platform, TCC as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a positive and magical vibe altogether.

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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