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Zen Art Workshop By Safiya Firdos

Zen Art Workshop

Zen Art Workshop: Zen Art is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. To experience this easy-to-learn and soothing art form, Rooftop curated a Zen Art Workshop and invited Safiya Firdos. She is pursuing her study in psychology. She is a self-taught Zentangle artist who has explored abstract patterns, entangles, florals, and line art. Safiya is a firm believer in expressing her feelings through her art.Ā 

The Zen Art Workshop Began

Safiya began the experience by explaining all the materials. Quickly she began to demonstrate to make a triangular grid on a5 paper. All theĀ 35 attendeesĀ carefully watched and worked on making their grids. Then, Safiya explained to paint the grid using watercolours. She mentioned that “There is no rule followed for Zen Art, it could be as random as possible”.Ā 

 While all circle members were busy painting the grid, Safiya explained the meaning of the art. Zen meaning meditation and tangle meaning art, the art form is a combination of meditation through art. Moving forward, Safiya demonstrated various random and complex patterns using straight and curvy lines. She showed a pattern called “Paradox” which was one of the favourites of all the attendees. All the patterns that Safiya created added an illusional effect to the painting.  

Towards The End Of The Workshop

At the end of the workshop, all the attendees had completed their complex Zen art pieces. Safiya made the techniques very easy to learn and practice. The attendees showcased their paintings over the camera. Each attendee had a different colour scheme and varied patterns. The overall experience was very therapeutic.

All the attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform.

Rajasthan studio as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.

On this note, here’s us signing off untill next time!

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