Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Watercolor Florals Workshop By Prabhasini Sahoo

Watercolour Florals Workshop

Watercolor florals are a beautiful fusion of colors and very beautiful flowers. Water Coloring simply is, water mixed with pigment which is then applied to paper. But learning to paint flowers with watercolors is more than just watercoloring. To give our Circle Members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this art form, Rooftop curated a Watercolor Florals Workshop and invited Prabasini Sahoo.

Prabasini Sahoo is an artist and loves working in all mediums – Oil, Acrylic and Watercolors. Not only her artworks are colorful, but she also has a long colorful past behind her. She had an adventurous career in the prestigious Indian Army, then being a student at the IIM Lucknow and again a working career in a prestigious Nationalized Bank.

For the past about two years she has been dedicating all her time to art as a professional. She has also started a small venture High On Art with a motto of “Spreading the joy of Art”. 

Watercolor Florals Workshop Began

Prabasini began the workshop with an interactive session trying to learn about the attendees and their experience in watercoloring. She explained about different types of art paint and not to confuse it as watercolors. Also, she elaborated about the right materials to select for watercolor art. 

She started with the basics of watercolor floral painting. Then, she began with watercolor painting and explained the whole process in a detailed manner, with insightful tips and techniques.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

The workshop was quite informative and interactive. Prabasini shared the importance of color mixing and practicing. She explained different ways of creating flowers and gave every little detail of steps involved in painting the flower. Being her first workshop ever, Prabasini was very happy and impressed to witness the attendees being so interested and engrossed in the workshop. The workshop ended with attendees showcasing their beautiful artworks as well as Prabasini showcasing some of her lovely artworks. 

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rooftop as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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