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Watercolor Floral Mandala Workshop with Kritika Ramkrushnan

Watercolor Floral Mandala Workshop with Kritika Ramkrushnan

Mandala art is a visually striking artform that revolves around geometric shapes and sizes. In the ancient Sanskrit language Mandala means circle. Thus, a fine craftation of designs using new and unique geometric shapes with a blend of your own is known as Mandala art. 

There are no set forms that you need to adhere to when making your masterpiece. You can go your way and choose to be different and unique with your thoughts. The complexities of Mandala art allows you to communicate your inner chaos to your outer audience. 

It is no more just a stroke of passion; it can now be pursued as a full-time career and can successfully be monetized if individuals choose to initiate constructive and effective actions. To help you do that, The Circle Community always acts as an influencing source. It allows you to know and understand leading professionals in a particular field and their pattern of the following expertise. 

To access it and observe it better, The Circle Community brings together a Watercolour Floral Mandala Workshop with Divya Parekh. 

About the Artist

Kritika Ramkrushnan is a responsible homemaker and a true Mandala artist. She began to pursue her inner calling the very last year and since then there was no stopping to the excellent quality she served as an artist. She’s been connected to drawing for about more than 10 years now and that’s where her unique approach to art form striked. 

The Workshop Began

The workshop began by introducing Kritika Ramkrushnan and her expertise over the years. She then moved ahead with introducing the Mandala art form and how it has managed to secure a sound space over the years. 

Slowly moving ahead, attendees were briefed with the equipment required and then finally the pen to paper process began. Unique ideas and formats were briefed to attendees that truly made them feel productive and known to the artform. Vibrant colours like green, pink, purple were used to complement the floral spread and finally in the end the entire craft emerged to be a mesmerizing piece. 

Towards the end of the workshop

The workshop was attended by a variety of age groups that shared equal enthusiasm for learning and exploring. In the end, numerous attendees received the opportunity to showcase their incredible piece of work and received wise words from the mentor herself. 

It was an incredible session that was finely organised by The Circle Community and it responsibly ensures to connect learners with several other more workshops. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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