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Warli Art Workshop By The Circle Community

Warli Art Workshop

India is home to numerous tribal communities and each of these communities has its own distinctive art form that makes them unique and at the same time represents their beliefs and faiths. One such amazing and impacting folk art is the Warli art form. Practiced by the tribes inhabiting the North Sahyadri Ranges in Maharashtra.

To introduce our circle family to the beauty of the Warli art form, we at TCC organized an amazing session and invited expert artist Dhanvi Shah to facilitate the session.

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About The Artist

Dhanvi Shah is an ardent art enthusiast who loves to draw wonderful artworks and paintings. She is pursuing her UG in Architecture and was always drawn towards art. She started learning different art forms from a young age and loves to share her experience with fellow art enthusiasts in the form of workshops.

And The Workshop Began

The workshop began with a brief introduction to Dhanvi and her experiences as an artist, Dhanvi then greeted and expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards the attendees. Before commencing the demonstration she gave a quick insight into the historical significance of the art and listed out some important tips to keep in mind while doing the artwork, she began demonstrating the artwork and explained each step in a very detailed manner. The attendees were very engrossed in the workshop while co-creating with her. 

Towards The End Of The Workshop

As the workshop progressed towards completion, the attendees were able to create the artworks that they presented to Dhanvi for her feedback, who found each of them very breathtaking and beautiful. The workshop concluded with the attendees thanking Dhanvi for teaching the whole art form in such a fun and easy manner. 

The attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to various age groups, but their love for art brought them together on a single platform, TCC as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a positive and magical vibe altogether.

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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