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Warli Art Workshop By Mayank Gupta

Warli Art, Indian Tribal Art

Warli art is a lifestyle representation of the Warli tribal community. The coloured figures depict the Warli culture that is centred on the concept of Mother Nature and elements of nature are often focal points depicted in Warli painting. Traditionally, these paintings were done on the clay walls of the houses, but in the contemporary world, they have become a part of modern art and can be drawn on the canvas. To give our Circle Members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this art form, Rajasthan Studio curated a Warli Art Workshop and invited Mayank Gupta. 

Mayank is a Chartered Accountant and self-taught artist. The journey of his Arts started from his childhood. When the kids of his age were busy in fields with their bats, he kept himself busy in practicing arts with my paint & brushes. He found peace of mind and soul in Arts. During his midlife, he got occupied with his profession, but he didn’t leave practicing arts. He participated in various exhibitions in Dubai and Mumbai. Participation in World Art Dubai, 2018 is his biggest achievement and honour.

He then started teaching various forms of arts to different age groups and I truly enjoyed celebrating and spreading his knowledge to others. He started practicing various forms of art like Mandala, Warli, Madhubani, Kalamkari, Pattachitra, Watercolors, oil colors, and pencil sketches. It gave him immense pleasure to preserve these traditional art forms of India.

Warli Art Workshop Began

The workshop started with an interesting introduction to Mayank by the host and we moved further. The tribal community used to depict a strong bond between mother nature and the human race. They have huge respect and care with regard to wildlife and nature, said Mayank. He then gave a briefing about the art form and its techniques, about how the Warli tribe community used to paint houses and walls with the use of red clay called ā€˜Geruā€™ and through the help of bamboo.

Further, he began with the artwork and explained every step in an elaborate manner. He showcased different patterns and shapes of Warli art. He started with a human body figure and taught everyone how to make birds, nature, and several more animal figures in Warli art. On a red piece of paper with white paint, it came out as an incredible piece of art. It was a simple yet beautiful art form, commented one of the attendees.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

The Warli Art Workshop was an elating experience and informative. Artist Mayank Gupta taught the attendees every detail of the Warli art form. The attendees were quite interested and consumed in the workshop from the very start till the end. The workshop ended with everyone showcasing their colorful and vibrant Warli artworks. 

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rajasthan studio as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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