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Valentine’s Day Special Wall Plate Decor Workshop By Tajinder Kohli

Valentines Day wall painting

A wall plate is a wall decoration used to decorate your wall. It enhances the look of the wall. Wall plate is a very easy DIY, that you can try easily at home. To give our Circle Members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this ancient art form, Rajasthan Studio curated a Wall Plate Decor Workshop and invited Tajinder Kohli.

Three years back Tajinder Kohli started this journey to write her own poem and let the world see. Explaining what all she wants to do, that is to create. She tries to create whatever she has by trying different styles, mixing styles and coming up with her own.

From her art she just wants to spread as much positivity she can and motivate everyone around her. She doesn’t want people to be like her but to learn and become something better than her. Lastly she just wants to say, follow what your heart says, just keep creating and living your life to the fullest.

Valentine’s Day Special Wall Plate Decor Workshop Began

The workshop began with a short introduction of Tajinder Kohli and her journey. Further Tajinder overtook the workshop by showing the artwork which the attendees were going to paint that day. Later she also mentioned the materials everyone needed to complete the artwork with her.

Tajinder started drawing and she also told the attendees about prime, while explaining and giving instructions to the attendees. Following that she also explained how to go about with the drawing and painting, which colours to use in case you don’t have a specific colour.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

Tajinder showed the attendees how to paint in a way that colours don’t mix. The attendees were completely immersed in their colorful artworks. The workshop ended with everyone showcasing their beautiful artworks. 

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rajasthan studio as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

Also, for more information on upcoming Circle Experiences, follow us on Instagram.

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