Art forms appear strikingly appealing when best blended. Like topping your sketches with fine watercolour to make them appear more lively and effective. There are a lot of similar blends that you can choose to birth using your imagination and creativity. Every artist practising sketching holds a specialisation in a particular aspect like sketching emotions, human pictures, places, food, urban areas and much more. So, what are your specialisations? Or what are you planning to acquire specialisation in? Well, if you’re confused and not sure where to begin from, The Circle Community has got you covered by allowing you to access the Urban sketching workshop with watercolour by Avidip Kundu. This can prove to be a great start for budding artists looking for guidance and supervision.
About the Artist:-
Avidip Kundu is a profound artist holding impressive expertise in urban and architectural sketching. He’s a very curious and learning mind who is constantly working to evolve himself and his art forms for the better.
The workshop began:-
The Urban sketching workshop with watercolour began with the host introducing the ultimate expert, Avidip Kundu. He then took over the session and began with discussing the basics of getting started with urban sketching. He also introduced the learners to some basic yet worthy exercises associated with sketching. After all the necessary briefs provided, Avidip began sketching the outlines of an urban plot. He made sure to top it with relative detailings. While practising the sketch he made sure to keep the learners in an aware loop in order to allow them to avail maximum benefits. He also took extra efforts to help them clear their doubts. On successful creation of the sketch, he then highlighted the tips and tricks of topping it with watercolour.
Towards the end of the workshop:-
Towards the end of the workshop, a brilliant urban sketch with the spread of combinational watercolour was created. It infused a great sense of colour and visual presence. The learners attending the workshop co-created the art pieces too. They also received an opportunity to showcase the pieces to the master himself. These learners were of different age groups deeply rooted in learning and exploring different art forms. The Circle Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. On this note, here’s us signing off until next time! Also, for more information on upcoming Circle Experiences, follow us on Instagram.