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Upcycling Home Decor On A Budget With Mehak Kapoor

Upcycling Workshop

In modern times, it is said that upcycling breathes creativity and sustainability into interior designs. Household items can be reused in a unique way with some easy transformative art. To learn more about this trend of craft, Rooftop conducted a Upcycling Home Decor workshop with Mehak Kapoor.

About The Artist

Mehak is a self-taught home decor artist who loves to create interesting and innovative art pieces. She shares her passion with the world through her Instagram handle- ‘letsbekreativeā€™. She has worked on various projects that involve creating a sophisticated product by upcycling. 

The Upcycling Home Decor Began

Before beginning with the artwork, she showed some quick and easy ideas that can be applied while upcycling. For creating the first home decor, Mehak demonstrated how to turn plastic containers into planters. She painted the container with chalk paint that gave it a fresh texture and suggested using it for small plants or succulents.

The item was a macrame for decorating the planters. She simply modified a simple jute thread with knots into macrame hangers. These look simplistic and add beauty to the planters. Lastly, she shared an amazing idea to remodel a plastic or glass container into a clay-like vase. She used shades like red, brown, and yellow to develop a hue of clay. She used a mixture of 2:1 paint to baking soda for bringing out a grainy texture and earthy look to the container. 

Towards The End Of The Upcycling Home Decor

Mehak shared her personal experience of upcycling items into home decor. She developed this craft during the lockdown and found solace in it. She also encouraged others to get creative and support the environment by taking such creative steps.

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. The Circle Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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