Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Types Of Silhouette Landscapes Workshop

Landsacpe Painting by Aparajita dutta

Landscape paintings refer to a piece of artwork which depicts scenic views of nature, such as mountains, forest, valleys, rivers, etc. The principal subject of the artwork will always be the portrayal of a scenic view. To give our members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this art form, Rooftop curated a special Types of Silhouette Landscape Workshop and invited Aparajita Dutta

Aparajita Dutta hails from Assam. She is an Engineer by profession and currently pursuing a PhD degree from IIT Guwahati. She started taking painting seriously in 2019 alongside being a research scholar. Initially, it was for some rejuvenation but slowly she realised the calling. She got immersed in the love for creating art. Although she is still juggling her job and art simultaneously, someday she may change courses and make some long-term decisions regarding art as a profession.

Types Of Silhouette Landscapes Workshop Began

The Types Of Silhouette Landscapes workshop began with Aparajita showing the attendees the artwork they were going to make that day while explaining what all materials are required to make the paintings. Aparajita started with the painting while explaining to the attendees how to do the strokes.

Aparajita explained how to blend the colour properly without messing with the painting. She continued to paint while explaining how to choose the right brush for a certain painting.

Towards the end of the Workshop

The workshop was very gripping and interactive. Aparajita welcomed all the queries asked by the attendees and also mentioned how to mix colours to make different colours. The workshop ended with everyone showcasing their beautiful artwork.Ā 

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rajasthan studio as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, we take your leave. See you next time!

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