Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Cultivating Creativity: The Role of Art in Childhood Development

Art in childhood development

Why talk about art in childhood development?

Art and creativity are integral components of human expression. When introduced at a tender age, they help in fostering innovation and improve emotional intelligence. The exploration of art and the creative conscience from a young age not only cultivates artistic skills but also nurtures imagination. Personally, the role of art in childhood development is beyond explainable. 

If your child is in need of a safe space, problem solving abilities or even some self confidence, this blog is for you! We will examine the significance of indulging in art and cultivating creativity at a young age. Oneā€™s childhood lays the foundation for lifelong learning and cognitive stability as adults.Ā 

The role of art in childhood developmentĀ 

Image source: FirstCry

Art serves as a universal language through which children communicate thoughts, feelings and scenarios that might be difficult to convey verbally. Sensory rich experiences such as finger painting and clay sculpting stimulate brain power and encourage individual thinking. The role of art in childhood development involves more than what just meets the eye. 

Art also promotes motor skills and hand eye coordination. It introduces the concept of spatial awareness in a child, laying the foundation for so many important physical development factors and thereby academic success. Growing up with other children your age can accelerate this learning and adapting process.Ā 

Image source: PBS KidsĀ 

Creativity is a hallmark of childhood development, which art aids greatly in. It provides a safe space for children to explore their imaginations freely. Whether they are drawing fantastical creatures or inventing stories through dramatic play, children unleash their creativity without any kind of fear or judgement. 

The role of art in childhood development goes beyond the surface line. It plays a crucial role in emotional development so children can express and process complex emotions constructively. For instance, through art therapy techniques, children identify and cope with feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety etc. Art provides a platform for these young generation minds to develop empathy and understanding towards others.Ā Ā 

Benefits of art in childhood developmentĀ 

Image source: Medium

Art is not only a form of self expression but also a cognitive exercise that stimulates brain development in young children. When children engage in activities, they are working to hone their observation skills, creative abilities and problem solving aptitude. For instance, white drawing a picture, they consider proportion, spatial orientation and shapes, which is part of their early learning. 

Divergent thinking is a skill which teaches that there is no one right answer to a situation. This mathematical thinking does not extend to the sphere of art. The primary role of art in childhood development is to explore divergent thinking in children. Through open minded activities such as collage making or free form painting, young minds will understand that diversity in form and approach is absolutely alright. It encourages them to pursue newer perspectives and embrace ambiguity. 

Additionally, art promotes interdisciplinary learning by integrating various academic domains. It extends into literature, history, science and geography. For generations, artists and activists address sensitive and politically subdued topics through their art. When a child creates a scenic painting, they get cognizant of nature. This approach helps in gaining awareness about abstract concepts and real world phenomena.Ā 

Where does Rooftop fit into this?

Image source: RooftopĀ 

Rooftop is unlike any other startup. Our goal is simple, yet powerful, to make art accessible and affordable to all! We are all about bringing the world of traditional art forms to you. It is a platform for art lovers and enthusiasts to learn, share and consume Indian art through personalised courses, workshops and art books! 

We believe that the role of art in oneā€™s life is extraordinary. It pushes you to think outside of your comfort zone and explore new possibilities. Innovation and creativity is what we strive for! With this thought in mind, we have daily art workshops and courses available on our website and the app. Even with no prior background or experience in art, these experiences will fuel you with the correct set of skills required to get you going!Ā 

Image source: RooftopĀ 

The daily workshops are your hour-long escape from our day to pursue what you love! With total flexibility of time and venue, these workshops are perfect to slip into your busy schedule! Plus, each of our master courses are led by award winning and Padma Shri artists with extensive knowledge in their respective art forms. 

Similarly, we have launched art books specific to certain art forms such as Gond, Phad, Mata ni Pachedi and Warli art. These books are masterfully curated by National award winners and Padma Shri artists to make sure that these creations are all you need to propel your artistic journey! 

Click here to know more about Rooftopā€™s DIY art books and courses.Ā 

Rooftopā€™s Summer Camp: Role of Art in childhood developmentĀ 

Image source: RooftopĀ 

Art camps are the best way to spark a sense of creative expression which is an important skill that children will carry forward throughout their school and adulthood. Secondly, art helps in developing other skills such as concentration, problem solving, critical thinking, time management, working in groups, among many others. 

Rooftopā€™s Summer Camp is centred around delivering the best activities and workshops for the children. Through our five day camp from 20th to 24th May, the young generations will engage in new techniques of art and enrich their social interactions with other children their age. Having two batches for this camp will ensure that equal attention can be given to each child. 

The role of art in childhood development must not be overlooked. By introducing Indian art through fun activities like Clay art, Block printing, Tie and dye and Puppet making, children will learn about the rich cultural heritage of India without the feeling of being taught traditionally. The knowledge of new styles and techniques at such a tender age boosts their confidence. With each step, Rooftop is shaping the future, one child at a time! 

Click here to register for Rooftopā€™s Summer Camp!Ā 

In essenceā€¦

Art is not merely a recreational activity but a powerful tool for nurturing creativity, self expression and cognitive development in children. By exposing children to a wide range of artistic activities such as summer camps, visiting museums, attending performances and engaging in creative hobbies, parents can inspire curiosity and ignite passion for the arts. 

To learn more about Indian art forms and Rooftopā€™s Summer Camp, download the Rooftop app from Google Play or App Store to stay updated on our upcoming art events and workshops. Stay tuned to rooftop blogs and follow us on @rooftop_app

By Freya Bulsara

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