Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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The First Fold Workshop With Sarthak Luthra

The First Fold with Sarthak Luthra

Origami is the art of folding paper. It is one of the most exciting results of human creativity in the field of craft. The paper folding technique has also been adapted in the field of space technology. This art is totally inexpensive and at the same time a lot of fun to work on. It pushes your creativity standards in a fun and exciting way.

To learn more about this art, Rooftop curated an exciting session with expert artist Sarthak Luthra.

About The Artist

Sarthak is an architect by profession and an artist by passion. He always thought out of the box and strived to discover the connection between art and architecture. While on a quest to delve into art, he discovered origami and fell in love with it as it is a perfect blend of art, architecture, and technology. That inspired him to eventually author Codedgami, a platform for codes and origami. He has created wonders using origami and is a classic example of true artistic spirit.

And The Workshop Began

The workshop began with a brief introduction of the artist, Sarthak Luthra. Sarthak then greeted and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the attendees. He talked about the significance of the origami art form in technical fields.  He further explained all the steps involved in the process in a very detailed manner, which made the grasping part easier for the attendees. The session was quite intriguing and engaging as the attendees understood each step and were able to follow them perfectly.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

As the workshop progressed towards its completion, the attendees were able to create their own crafts and showed them to Sarthak. He not only appreciated everyone for their efforts but also gave positive reviews.

The workshop ended on an appreciative note by the attendees for both Sarthak and Rooftop.

The participants were from many countries and from different parts of India. They also belonged to various age groups but were united by their passion for the craft. Rooftop, as always, was able to curate and create an amazing experience for art lovers. 

On that note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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