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Table Mats Using Paper Marbling

Table Mats Using Paper Marbling

Table mats are one of the most important and loved components of the dining table as they make our dining spaces look more beautiful and add elegance to them. So having table mats that are strikingly beautiful and can uplift the entire look are a must. TCC organized an amazing DIY session for its Circle family on creating table mats with the help of paper marbling and invited expert artist Samiksha Dipak Bagmare to facilitate the workshop.

About The Artist

Samiksha is a software developer by profession and an artist by passion. She started doing craft as a hobby and has been doing it for the past six years. Recently she started a small business venture of her own where she sells the crafts made by her. Art for her is devotion, a tool that helps her to express her emotions when words fail, adding a bit of emotion in her art. She currently resides in Nashik.

The Workshop Began

The workshop began with a brief introduction to Samkisha and her experiences as an artist. Samiksha greeted and expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the attendees and the hosts of the session. Before starting the workshop, Samiksha gave some insight into the significance of the art form. Further started demonstrating and creating the artwork all from scratch. She laid emphasis on the usage of oil paint over any other paint as the oil floats on water. It a;so makes the process hassle-free. Samiksha explained each and every step in a detailed manner and encouraged the attendees to ask questions. The whole process was very quick and easy, making it much easier for the attendees to grasp it all. The attendees were very engrossed in the process as they were co-creating with Samiksha.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

As the workshop progressed towards completion, the attendees were able to create the artworks which they showcased to Samiksha for her feedback, who found each of them as very beautiful and full of effort. The workshop concluded with attendees thanking and appreciating Samiksha for teaching the whole art form in such a fun and easy manner.

The attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to various age groups, but their love and passion for arts brought them together on a single platform, TCC, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe altogether.

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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