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Sunset Windmill Painting Workshop with Pranami Poddar

Sunset Windmill Painting

Water Colouring simply is water mixed with pigment which is then applied to paper. But learning to paint sunset windmills with watercolours is more than just watercoloring. To give our Circle Members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this art form, Rajasthan Studio curated a special worksho and invited Pranami Poddar.

Pranami Poddar is a chemical engineer by profession, currently she is working in a reputed  position in Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. She is also working as a part time  artist. As far back as her memory goes she remembers herself playing with colours all the time.  Painting is like a breath of fresh air to her, it takes away all the worries and lightens her  mood. But somewhere in the process of building a successful career in engineering she lost touch with her passion. She could always feel a part of herself missing.

However, when covid struck, and we were bound in our homes, with a lot of hesitation and  doubt, sometime mid June 2020, she picked up her brush and started a painting after a gap of  18 long years. The joy that painting brought to her was beyond anything she ever felt. She never  looked back since then and has been creating art work actively for the last 7 months. 

Sunset Windmill Painting Workshop Began

The workshop began with a short introduction of Pranami Poddar and her journey. Further Pranami overtook the workshop and told the attendees about watercolour painting. Later she also mentioned the materials everyone needed to complete the artwork with her.

Pranami started drawing while explaining and giving instructions to the attendees. Following that she also explained how to go about with each step of drawing and painting , she also cleared all the doubt of the attendees.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

Towards the end of the workshop Pranami shared a lot of hacks and tips for this art form. She showed different techniques of practising water coloring and drawing. She was very excited and happy to see the attendees engrossed in their artwork and following the instructions carefully. At the end of the workshop everyone had a beautiful watercolour sunset windmill painting to take away with themselves.

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rajasthan studio as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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