Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Soap Making Workshop With Rrucha Gadgil

Soap Making Workshop

Soap Making Workshop: For many, soap is a part of daily personal hygiene. With plenty of options available in the market, we still face a hard time finding the chemical-free, cost-effective and preferred fragrance soap. To solve that problem, Rooftop curated a Soap Making Workshop and invited Rrucha Gadgil. Rrucha has her brand where she makes handmade organic personalised soaps, body wash, face wash, moisturiser and bath bombs.Ā 

The Soap Making Workshop Began

The workshop began with Rrucha explaining the basics of soap making. She explained the different kinds of bases available in the market as well as the selection of soap bases. She also explained the uses of essential and fragrance oil as well as proper storage of raw material. Gadgil started the process of soap making by melting the soap base in the microwave and suggested a double boiler as an alternate. She explained the consistency to all 21 participants and recommended adding preferred oils and colours to the boiled base before pouring into the mould. She set aside the mould to cool down and patiently answered all the queries of the participants in detail. The curious participants bombarded Rrucha with many questions including the ingredients used for dry skin, the shelf life of the homemade soap and many more.Ā 

Towards The End Of The Workshop

Rrucha made a bar of soap in the shape of a Cupcake and explained the creation of the base and the frosting. After the soap solidified, she showed the sticking of both the parts of soap together with rubbing alcohol. She also showed how to safely wrap it for gifting purposes. The circle members gained a lot of insights regarding soap making and found this experience highly knowledgeable.

The attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rooftop as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.

On that note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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