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Seascape Painting Workshop with Sourima Saha

Seascape Painting Workshop

Painting sets you limitless. Whatever you witness or vision can be strongly portrayed with the strokes of brushes. That’s the kind of power painting and the painters getting their hands coloured hold. One of the most preferred yet a little tough piece to draw for beginners is Seascape Painting. 

As a beginner, we always tend to startle but knowing the correct grip can ease a lot of complexities. So, if you’re wondering and are left astonished at the beauty of Seascape, the Circle Community is providing you with an opportunity to learn and explore. Keep scrolling to check what’s in store for you! 

About the Artist:- 

Sourima Saha is a young creative mind who’s religiously dedicated to art and art forms. She loves practising & teaching Watercolour and Acrylics, giving it her own unique blend. 

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The workshop began:- 

The workshop began with the host introducing the mentor, Sourima Saha and her impeccable expertise in the art field. On successful introduction, the little mind began to share brief details to adhere to when practising with acrylics to paint a seascape. 

She further began with the steps and made sure to be sound enough for attendees to learn and practice. In between Sourima, made sure to be as productive as possible in terms of briefing with colours, blending techniques and other essential aspects. Under her guidance and supervision, the attendees were making the best out of the session. 

Towards the end of the workshop:- 

Towards the end of the workshop, Sourima and her wise attendees created a breathtaking seascape Painting. In the end, it was highlighted and tailored with effective comments by the mentor herself. These attendees were of different age groups but highly motivated to learn and explore new art forms. 

The Circle Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.Ā 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

Also, for more information on upcoming Circle Experiences, follow us on Instagram.

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