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Saura Painting With Gouri Nargale

Saura Painting with Gouri Nargale

Saura painting is a traditional art form of Orissa that was originally painted on walls. These paintings were quite difficult as they were drawn without any measurement. But nowadays, it has been modified and is painted on black paper with white pens. Saura is used to depict various mythological stories and looks wholesome. To learn more about this famous art form, The Circle Community conducted a workshop with Gouri Nargale.

About The Artist

Gouri is a professional artist and art teacher. She has conducted a number of online and offline workshops in the past four years. She has undertaken many forms of art including Mandala, Lippon art, Madhubani, and Saura painting. She loves to draw such objective and realistic art and looks forward to exploring more.

The  Workshop Began

On a tinted black sheet, Gouri used a white gel pen to create the art and showed a reference picture that she would be teaching. The focal point for the artwork lies on the borders that have a row of continuous arrows drawn which conveys how life is spiral and never-ending. After working on the borders, she moved on to drawing a palm tree with the trunk having beautiful designs on it. She also talked about how spirals are an eccentric part of it, which gives the art a geometrical yet free-hand effect.

Image Cedit- mojarto

Saura is an art form based on nature. The people in ancient times believed in drawing what they saw in their surroundings. This is the reason why Saura paintings often depict unique monkeys and birds on trees. Gouri drew monkeys using curved shapes and a bird with patterned wings. She then showed how to effortlessly draw humans wearing ornaments. The human figures are known for having a distinct tribal hairstyle. 

Towards The End Of The Workshop

After completing the painting, she displayed some of her other works for everyone to get a basic idea of the different intricate patterns used in Saura art. Each of the attendees did a great job replicating the art taught by Gouri.

The attendees were from different parts of the country. They also belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. The Circle Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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