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Realistic Pencil Colours Workshop with Vaishali Mittal 

Realistic Pencil Colours Workshop with Vaishali Mittal

Artforms are winning every conversation these days. The generation is keenly getting involved and excited in exploring the creativity of their inner self and nothing gets it more louder and better than the strokes of colours, does it? 

As we evolve constantly, we get to see a variety of art forms leading the way. The majority of them come from our traditional spread while some are birthed through intensive thought process and creativity. Curating masterpieces using pencil colours is one of the most celebrated art forms of the time. Especially, being able to give it a realistic touch seems to be the most winning element. 

And therefore, to give you a detailed look into the aspects of Realistic Pencil Colours artwork, The Circle Community has managed to roof the expert herself and brought you a Realistic Pencil Colours Workshop with Vaishali Mittal. So let’s see what the workshop has in stores for creative minds out there. 

About the Artist 

Vaishali Mittal is a passionate art practitioner holding excellent expertise in Realistic Portraits and Landscapes. She also has her hands pretty clear with crafting artforms with elements like Graphite, Charcoal, Oil Pastels, Water Colours and many more. 

The Workshop Began

The workshop began with introducing Vaishali Mittal and was later shifted to equipment required to initiate the Realistic Pencil Colours Workshop. On settling, attendees were given a brief overview of what was to be created in a detailed and precise manner. 

Vaishali Mittal took out conversations on briefing essentials of shading, colour usage, materials and many more. Comprehensive details of realistic art were broadly touched too. 

Towards the end of the workshop

The session successfully ended in a fun, engaging and fruitful environment, where each attendee received the opportunity to showcase their work as briefed by the mentor. These attendees came from different age groups and aspects but were highly motivated and connected through creativity. 

Vaishali Mittal herself reviewed the practice work done by the attendees and showered them with constructive feedback. She further also shared some glances of her artworks that were finely appreciated and celebrated. 

The Circle Community truly acted as a responsible commutator between the artists and the learners. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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