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Rainbow Mandala Workshop By Vedha Sreeram

Rainbow Mandala Workshop

Rainbow Mandala Workshop: Mandala is a Sanskrit word that means ‘circle’ or a ‘universe’. It starts with a small dot and with careful direction can turn into a beautiful array of colours and patterns. To experience mandala with a twist in terms of patterns and colours, Rajasthan Studio curated a Rainbow Mandala Workshop and invited Vedha Sreeram. She is an engineer, an IT professional and a teacher turned artist for her passion for art. She has been practising mandala art over the 5 years. Vedha enjoys the relaxation and stress relief achieved with the art form through the patterns and symmetry.

The Rainbow Mandala Workshop Began

Vedha briefed the attendees about Mandala, the word meaning ‘circle’. She told the attendees the most important aspect is to enjoy the meditative and therapeutic experience while drawing the mandala. After which she explained all the materials needed to draw the mandala.  All the 25 attendees carefully listened to Vedha. Meanwhile, she began to demonstrate the mandala drawing.

Vedha drew 7 concentric circles using a pencil as the guidelines. Keeping the rainbow mandala in mind, she began with red in the innermost circle, moving to the other rainbow colours simultaneously. She began with the innermost circle and drew U shaped patterns and completed the circle. In the same fashion, she completed the rest of the circles using the respective colour of the VIBGYOR in the respective order. Vedha demonstrated some very intricate patterns with very easy to remember techniques. All the attendees worked on their rainbow mandalas simultaneously. Then, Vedha drew a cloud and sun with patterns that highlighted the entire rainbow mandala drawing. 

Towards The End Of The Workshop

At the end of the workshop, most of the attendees had created their unique yet colourful rainbow mandalas. The attendees were very excited to showcase the mandalas over the camera. Vedha appreciated each of the attendee’s mandala and suggested some pattern variations. She also shared other techniques to complete the mandala. The experience was very interesting and new learning to all the attendees. 

The attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform.

Rooftop as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.Ā 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time.

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