Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

Mata ni Pachedi Essentials Art Book

Mata ni Pachedi Essentials Art Book

  • Book Details
  • Synopsis
Do you want to learn traditional Indian art forms but don’t want to be held back by your lack of knowledge and experience? The Mata ni Pachedi Essentials Art Book is the perfect art activity book for learners that will ensure a strong learning foundation and ensure that your Indian art learning process goes smoothly.  Mata ni Pachedi is a cloth painting art form from Gujarat. It depicts mother goddesses, mythological characters, human figures, musicians, sacrificial animals and flora and fauna. Through the Mata ni Pachedi Essentials Art Book’s chapters, you’ll be exposed to the prominent designs and motifs of Mata ni Pachedi art. This book aims to deepen your knowledge, help you learn the basics, and start exploring more complex subjects and compositions.
  • Introduction to Gujarat’s Mata ni Pachedi art
  • History of the art form
  • Motifs, themes, and patterns
  • Art tips, practice exercises, and more!

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