Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Poster Colour Landscape Workshop By Afreen Perothian

Poster colour

There are no limits to the uses and applications of poster painting. It is the go to medium for fun painting and creating quick and colourful artwork. To give our Circle members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this art form, Rajasthan Studio curated a special Poster Colour Landscape Workshop and invited Afreen Perothian.

Afreen Perothian is a self taught artist and an entrepreneur from Mumbai. She loves working with poster colours, gouache and watercolors. Her main forte is nature based art like landscape, seascapes and more but she loves exploring new forms. She also takes workshops for beginners.

Poster Colour Landscape Workshop Began

The Poster Colour Landscape Workshop began with a short introduction of Afreen Perothian and her journey. Further Afreen overtook the workshop by showing the artwork which the attendees were going to paint that day. Later she also mentioned the materials everyone needed to complete the artwork with her.

Afreen started painting while explaining and giving instructions to the attendees. Following that she also explained how to go about with the painting, how to draw outlines and how it helps in keeping everything proportionate, how to do the strokes, add colour gradients and how to blend the colours with hand and brush.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

The Poster Colour Landscape Workshop was quite interesting and interactive. The attendees put up a lot of questions and Afreen Perothain answered them with precision and much clarity. She wrapped up the workshop with a summary of what all was taught and some extra tips and techniques. The workshop concluded with everyone showcasing their work.  

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rajasthan studio as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

Also, for more information on upcoming Circle Experiences, follow us on Instagram.

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