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Charcoal Portraits with Shubham Suresh

Emotions Within An Eye Workshop

About the artform

Charcoal was used for the first time in art 28,000 years ago. The majority of the charcoal sketches belong to the 16th century. The precise methodology of using hard charcoal pencils was developed by an expert artist from France – Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, in the 19th century. Charcoal Portraits are the most preferred medium by the artists because it brings out detailed emotions easily.

About The Artist

An astounding artist who holds the ability to improve the holistic health of the viewers. His creativity is beyond mesmerising. He started sketching 4-5 years ago. He started sketching with a normal pencil and later shifted to charcoal pencil. 

The Charcoal Portraits Workshop Began

The Charcoal Portraits workshop began with the artist narrating his  journey of sketching to the attendees. Further Subham explained about polishing the tip of the sketching pencil. Slowly, he sketched the eye followed by the next layer of texturing. He explained the technicalities about the GSM paper and HB pencils. 

Towards The End Of The Charcoal Portraits Workshop

The attendees were delighted to show their work as all of them focused well. Shubham suggested improvements to the attendees. Lastly, Shubham showed his charcoal sketched picture story to the attendees.

The attendees were from different parts of the country. They also belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rooftop, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!
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