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Portrait with Watercolor Workshop with Vinita Khandelwal

Portrait with Watercolor Workshop with Vinita Khandelwal

Water colors were developed in China around 4000 BCE. In the 4th-century watercolor painting became a popular medium and was popularly called Chinese brush painting. Also, the association of watercolors is with England on the European continent. In the middle ages, Europeans used fine powder of vegetable dyes mixed with egg or gum to paint. It dries faster than oil painting and is budget-friendly. 

The Circle Community brings a curated Portrait with Watercolor workshop with Vinita Khandelwal.

Image Credits – Bookmyshow

About the Artist:- 

Vinita Khandelwal is from Jaipur. Art has been her passion since childhood. 

The workshop began:- 

The workshop began with the artist introducing herself. She started painting with chrome yellow and mixed it with vermilion and started painting the first layer in a female‘s sketch drawn by her. She demonstrated the techniques to variate the color composition. She started coloring the second layer using little darker shades. She added details like eyelashes and eyebrows using black and burnt sienna. She explained the effects of light and shadow. The portrait looked realistic with deep emotion.

Towards the end of the workshop:- 

Towards the end of the workshop, everyone praised Vinita‘s work.  The attendees co-created and learned the realistic watercolor painting technique. 

The Circle Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

Also, for more information on upcoming Circle Experiences, follow us on Instagram.

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