Dhokra Art has been in India for over 4,000 years. The region of West Bengal has been using ancient metal casting to smooth the use of brass. Dhokra is a non-ferrous metal that uses the lost wax casting technique. The term Dhokra is named after the Dhokra Damar Tribes. People of India know the ancient art form since the Indus Valley Civilization.
To make the Circle family more aware and knowledgeable about Dhokra jewellery, a new form of creative art, TCC organized a fascinating session with artist Mansi Mitesh Gutka.
About The Artist
Mansi Mitesh Gutka. known as unicreationz_963 on her social media, is a freelance artist. She makes handmade dream catchers and various gift items. Art has always been something that she was really fond of since her childhood. Gutkaās every creation is unique and newer than her earlier work.
And The Workshop Began
The workshop started with the host greeting all the attendees and welcoming them. The session started with a highly energetic vibe that kept both the artist and attendees active throughout the workshop session. Mansi explained and gave various tips to the participants to keep in mind while working on jewellery making. Mansi was warm and friendly with the attendees and made them comfortable with the process in a detailed manner, keeping them happy and engaged.
Towards The End Of The Workshop
As the session reached its end, the attendees got to know the basics of dhokra jewellery making and the importance of the art form and materials used in it. The session proved to be a promising one. To conclude, Mansi showcased her work and designs to the participants. The session ended on a happy note by Mansi.
The attendees had a lovely time as they got acquainted with such an ancient art form that connected one and all through a single platform. TCC successfully introduced this ancient art form and created moments that the participants will never forget.
On this note, hereās us signing off until next time!