One Stroke Painting Workshop involves the use of simple brush strokes to create highlights, shadows and colour changes, therefore creating beautiful paintings. Rooftop invited Maria Manasawala for this interesting One Stroke Painting Workshop. She is from Mumbai and has a great passion for art. She keeps nurturing her creativity by trying out different forms of art since childhood.
The One Stroke Painting Workshop Began
At the beginning of the workshop, Maria spoke about the art form. Then starting off with the artwork, she used a flat brush and blended two colours to create the paint strokes. Maria also showed our attendees a unique way of using the brush to create beautiful petals. All our seventy attendees learnt a new style of painting. This kind of painting requires a lot of patience and practice, but the attendees were fast learners and picked up the skill very quickly. Maria shared several other tips to create the brush strokes, like:
Towards The End Of The Workshop
The attendees were quite enthusiastic and created beautiful paintings by the end of the experience. Maria was quick in answering the queries asked by the curious participants. Despite belonging to different age groups, all our participants united in the Rooftop Experience and created wonderful paintings together.
Rooftop organises such innovative art experiences on a regular basis to keep artists productive, and creative and also so that they can learn new forms of art every day. Stay safe, stay creative, here’s us signing off!
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