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Mixed Media Canvas Workshop With Swathi R Swamy

Mixed Media Canvas Workshop With Swathi R Swamy

Only an artist truly understands the essence of colours and the beauty of diverse colour mediums. Imagine being given an opportunity to use all the colour mediums in the world, on a single canvas! Magical, right? An artistā€™s retreat, truly! Well, step out of your imagination and experience this with us at Rajasthan Studio, as we bring to you another exciting Circle Experience called Mix Media Canvas, teaming up with Ms. Swathi R. Swamy, Founder and Creative Director at Sankriti Foundation.

About the Mixed Media Canvas Workshop

The workshop began with a delightful interaction with our artist Swathi, and the others who joined the experience. Swathiā€™s love for crafts led her to establish the Sankriti Foundation. Sankriti deals in hand-made products for decoration. Apart from this, Swathi also takes workshops and classes, holds exhibitions and participates in flea markets. Her specializations include Mix Media Canvas and Decoupage to name a few.

The idea of this workshop was crisp and clear! Use any material, any canvas and any colour medium to create a piece of your choice. Something that you would proudly call yours! She began by introducing us to the diverse materials, adhesives, textures and colour mediums that she was going to use. The beauty of this workshop is that you can upcycle materials at home to come up with a Mix Media Canvas! This way, youā€™re doing something absolutely original and contributing to a great cause- Recycling!

The Process

We started by laying out and aligning our different materials on the canvas. This is a crucial step to manage the space on your canvas. Once the textures were laid out, we used varied runny adhesives, like Mod Podge and Fevicol (some of which were absolutely new to us too!) to attach them to the canvas. This was an extremely intriguing process! We created 3D textures using cloth, cardboard and even stencils! 

Once the textures were set, the next step was to paste our decorative materials and chip-boards one the canvas. This was followed by painting the entire canvas with a single colour of your choice! Confused? So were we! What was the point of so many materials when it would all be covered by a layer of paint? Well, hereā€™s the trick! Use metallic wax or acrylic metallic paint over the materials to highlight them on the canvas! Tadaa! Your Mix Media Canvas is ready!

Here are a few life-saver tips for you. Always use a craft mat while doing these beautifully messy crafts. This will save you from ruining your favourite work desk. Also, to avoid the canvas from getting ruined in the future, either get it framed or use varnish over the surface. This keeps the whole canvas fastened.

Towards the end of the workshop

That will be all for now! We are going to come back with a super exciting Circle Experience real soon and we canā€™t wait to see your beautiful faces and artworks there! Till then, keep feeding the artist in you!

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