Mix Media Painting Workshop: A form of visual art which brings together watercolours, acrylic paints, color pens, crayons all on one canvas, is what mix media art is all about. Rajasthan Studio curated this exciting Mix Media Painting Workshop with Gayatri Patkar who is an experienced painter. An artist from Mumbai, she has a passion for art and she uses different kinds of mediums to make simple vibrant pictures.
The Mix Media Painting Workshop Began
The concept of mix media painting was first explained to all our participants by Gayatri. Then she started off by drawing a basic outline of lemons and leaves with a pencil. An interesting fact about her style of painting was how a simple drawing could be turned into an extraordinary and vibrant painting. Next step was to paint the lemons with a light yellow shade. In the next few steps, Gayatri showed how the lemons could be given an in-depth effect by applying darker shades. She also showed the technique of creating a shadow effect in painting. The participants listened attentively and followed all the steps gradually. The participants used many different mediums of art – sketchpens, crayons, watercolour, brush pens etc in this art form, which made the workshop even more interesting and colourful.
Towards The End Of The Workshop
While Gayatri was giving her finishing touches to the painting, our participants had already completed the painting. They all flashed their beautiful paintings of yellow lemons in front of the screen. Overwhelmed with the response, Gayatri appreciated everyone’s work. Colourful and vibrant paintings filled our screen. It was commendable how everyone kept in mind the detailing of the painting and used all the techniques they learnt in the workshop.
Rooftop as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. We keep organizing such creative workshops to keep everyone productive and creative.
Stay safe and stay creative! Here’s us signing off, until next time!