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Mini Dream Catcher Workshop With Akanksha Jasuja

Mini Dream Catcher Workshop With Akanksha Jasuja

Mini Dream Catcher Workshop: A dreamcatcher is said to be a protective talisman that is used to protect people from nightmares and bad dreams. It filters out bad dreams and ensures a good night’s sleep. The tradition spoke of hanging the dreamcatchers over the cradle and beds of young children. Rajasthan Studio curated a Mini Dream Catcher Workshop with Akanksha Jasuja, a Graphic designer and VFX artist turned traveller and fibre Artist and the co-founder of Dreamers Dreamland.

The Mini Dream Catcher Workshop Began

She started by wrapping the circular ring with a colourful ribbon. Next, she showed the technique of wrapping the thread around the ring to create a web-like pattern. Lastly, adding beads and feathers, Akansha made a beautiful mini dream catcher. The participants caught up with her speed and completed their dream catchers by the end of the workshop.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

It was commendable how all the participants picked up the technique of making the web-like patterns which is actually the most challenging part. Adding their creativity, the participants showed their colourful mini dream catchers to Akansha. It was a productive and vibrant session altogether.

Rooftop organises different art workshops regularly to keep artists creative and productive.

Stay safe, stay creative, here’s us signing off!

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