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Madhubani Art Workshop By Anuhya Chirumamilla

Madhubani Workshop

Madhubani Art Workshop: Madhubani Art or theĀ  Mithila painting is a style of Indian painting, practised in the Mithila region. To experience this ancient practising art, Rajasthan Studio curated a Madhubani Art Workshop and invited Anuhya Chirumamilla. She is a B.Tech Graduate specialising in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Apart from the professional calling, she is an art lover at heart. Anuhya began her art journey around 2016 with Mandalas and Zentangles. She also focuses on various traditional styled paintings like Madhubani, Pichwai, Warli, Gond, Phad and many more.Ā 

The Madhubani Workshop Began

Anuhya began the experience by briefing about the Madhubani Art. She narrated the story of the origin of the painting from the Mithila village. Anuhya amazed all the 20 attendees with the folk tale. Anuhya explained the five styles of Madhubani Art- The Kachini, Bharni, Godana,Ā  Kober and Tantric. The attendees had various questions that Anuhya answered quite promptly. She explained all the materials required and began to demonstrate to make a Madhubani-styled bookmark.Ā 

Anuhya used an 18×7-sized paper. She drew a half-cm border along the paper for the bookmark. Once all the attendees were ready with the layout, Anuhya began to draw three circles and outlined them. She drew a fish motif in all the circles. Anuhya used scallops to fill the fish motif. Then, she drew the eyes and the mouth adding definition to the fish motif. Using a spiral motif, then Anuhya demonstrated how to draw the border. She used brush pens to colour the painting. Adding the colours blue, violet and light blue she completed the detailed Madhubani bookmark.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

At the end of the Madhubani Art experience, all the attendees managed to complete their paintings. They used their own unique colour combinations. The attendees were excited to showcase their paintings to the camera. Anuhya looked at all the attendees’ paintings and also suggested some tweaks and colour combinations.Ā  The experience was very informative as well as fun.

All the attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform.

Rooftop as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.Ā 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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