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Keychains & Pendants with Resin Art with Niharika Gehlot

Keychains & Pendants with Resin Art with Niharika Gehlot

Resin Art is one of the most popular art forms of the time that is winning quite a conversation. A lot of individuals are opting for the art form as it enables one to curate and tailor several aspects based on their creativity. 

Resin art is an art phenomenon wherein one uses a chemical called epoxy resin blending it with multiple colour pigments and additives to give it the desired look. You can use the artform to create keychains, pendants and a lot more. It can also prove to be a great source of monetization if pursued religiously. 

So what’s stopping you from getting started? Maybe guidance? Don’t worry! The Circle Community heard you and therefore got you the best way to start with its thoughtful workshop, Keychains & Pendants(Resin Art) with Niharika Gehlot. 

About the Artist:- 

Niharika Gehlot is truly passionate and’s set to explore striking and detailed sides of arts and make the best out of it. Her dedication and mastery over various forms of art are what make her one of the most profound personalities in the field. 

The Resin art workshop began:- 

The workshop began with the host sharing a brief view of the mentor and her expertise over the years. Later the mentor took over and began introducing the art form and associated elements with great interest and excitement. 

She introduced participants to numerous resin art equipment and shared pointers to follow and adhere to when practising it. Moving ahead she created the whole keychain and a pendant to give participants an exact idea about the process. 

Between the shots, she also made sure to attend to the queries of the participants with great attention and responsibility. Finally, the resin art was completed with fine perfection and texture. 

Towards the end of the Resin art workshop:- 

The workshop came to an end on an absolute productive note. The keychain and the pendant were successfully created. Participants and the mentor herself had a great time curating these pieces. The attendees for the workshop were of different ages connected through deep motivation and creativity. 

In the end, the participants received the honour of showcasing their co-created pieces to the mentor and gathered constructive feedback. Another successful session by Rooftop that truly embarked productivity at its best. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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