Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Kerala Mural Workshop By Karunya Sankar

Kerala Mural Workshop By Karunya Sankar

Kerala Mural Paintings are frescoes depicting Hindu mythology and legends. The people draw them on the walls of temples and churches in South India, principally in Kerala.Ā To give our Circle Members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this traditional art form, Rooftop curated a special Kerala Mural Workshop and invited Karunya Sankar.Ā 

Karunya Sankar is a 20-year-old engineering student from Bangalore. She is also an experimental artist and passionate about art and its cultural background. Art has always been an essential part of her life. It has opened her to new ideas and experiences.

Kerala Mural Workshop Began

Karunya Sankar started off the workshop with a brief introduction of Kerala Mural art form. Firstly, she gave some insights on the historical and cultural background of the art form. She explained the specification and rules to be followed to carry out the artwork. 

Karunya gave an overview of how Kerala Mural artworks are done. She started sketching and painting, along with explaining every step in detail. She even kept an open discussion for queries from the attendees. 

Towards The End Of The Workshop

Towards the end of the workshop, Karunya gave some insightful tips and techniques about Kerala Mural painting. She even gave feedback on how the attendees can improve their artwork. She wrapped up the workshop with a summary of all the steps involved and everything else taught in the workshop. The workshop ended with everyone showcasing their beautiful artworks. 

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rooftop as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.Ā 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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