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Kashmiri Paper Mache Art Pattern Painting with Barooja

Kashmiri Paper mache

Kashmiri Paper Mache is a famous Kashmiri handicraft that was introduced by Muslim Saint Mir Syyed Hamadini from Persia in the 14th century in Medieval India. It is said that he was visiting Kashmir and along with him brought skilled artisans and craftsmen. There are two types of Kashmiri paper mache which are Sakhtsazi and Naqashi. The themes created on Kashmiri Paper Mache are flowers, box patterns, jungle motifs, and Kashmiri symbols such as almonds, chinar, and five-pointed leaves.

To raise awareness about this unique art form, Rooftop brought together a workshop on Kashmiri Paper Mache Art with expert artist Barooja.

About the artist

Barooja hails from Srinagar, Kashmir. She does acrylic and watercolor painting and sketching and conducts art classes and workshops for art enthusiasts around the country. In addition, she also frequently collaborates with fellow artists to create master art pieces.

The Workshop Began

The workshop started with an introduction of Barooja and her experiences in the world of art. She greeted all the attendees of the workshop and gave an introduction to Kashmiri paper mache art.

Barooja then started painting her canvas with Acrylic Watercolours of yellow and red, creating orange and golden colours. She first painted in golden colour and painted birds in light blue, grey, and green on the canvas. Further, she added small flowers to the painting, shaded in pink.

Towards the end of the Workshop

As the workshop progressed, the attendees showcased the artworks they had co-created with Barooja, who appreciated their efforts and dedication. The attendees then thanked Barooja for her guidance and the workshop ended on a positive note.

The attendees were from different parts of the country. They also belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rooftop, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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