Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Indoor plants arrangement with decorative stones with Dharani Vinod:-

Indoor plants arrangement with decorative stones with Dharani Vinod:-

The idea of indoor plants arrangement came into picture due to lack of sunlight during the snowing season. The plants chosen for miniature house gardens or in the portable containers are easy to maintain. This is a  cost-effective gardening technique to keep your room oxygenated. Growing house plants in enclosed spaces like the houses and offices have shown positive psychological effects. 

Spider plants, snake plants, Succulents, Petonia, Chinese Money Plant, Aloe Vera, Alocasia, Golden Pothos, Bamboo Palm and such others are some of the popular choices of millennials today for indoor house gardening.

About the Artist:- 

Dharini Vinod has been passionate about gardening since childhood. She has inherited it from her mother in law. She holds expertise in bonsai, cactus and orchid gardening. She switched to urban gardening including miniature gardens from traditional gardening where the use of stone decorating was important. 

The workshop began:- 

Firstly, Dharini explained about the materials required for creating a small miniature garden. She covered the holes of the ceramic pot with stones. She made the first layer with draining mix soil followed by digging holes in soil to plant Pennsylvania plants. She placed a decorative stone on the side and planted 3 Pennsylvania with Petunia plants. She decorated the pot with the idol of Lord Buddha lastly, in the middle. 

Towards the end of the workshop:- 

Towards the end of the workshop, Dharini shared certain gardening points. Importantly, she explained the tips and points to keep in mind for nurturing and watering the plants. She well addressed the FAQs. The session was truly informative and the attendees satisfactorily learnt about indoor gardening. 

The learners attending the workshop co-created the art pieces too. They also received an opportunity to showcase the pieces to the master himself. These learners were of different age groups deeply rooted in learning and exploring different art forms. 

The Circle Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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