Illusionism is used to describe a painting that creates the illusion of a real object or scene where the artist depicts figures in such a realistic way that they seem alive. The psychology of Gestalt’s concept of figure and ground is a prominent part of Illusion art. To learn more about this art form, the Rooftop conducted an Illusion Art workshop with Pratik Swain.
About The Artist
Pratik is an undergraduate student from NIFT Bhubaneswar. Art has always been an important part of his life. He believes that everyone must have their own language in whatever field they work in, and he is grateful to find his true language in art. Illusions have been the most creative imaginations he ever had.
The Illusion Art workshop Began
Pratik chose a conceptual artwork based on ‘A revolt against the dairy and poultry industry’. He thinks that the way they torture animals like cows and chickens is inhumane and that is what he wishes to depict in his art for the session.
The idea is to take some meaningful objects that would be combined to create the shape of the cow. This way the elements within the cow will display a strong message. He was agitated to create this art piece when he saw the yellow tags pierced into a cow’s ear. ‘Illusion art is unique as everyone has their own unique image of what they wish to draw’, exclaimed Pratik.
He began with an illustration of a cow-shaped figure and within it, he drew a story/message that he felt described the harsh dairy industry. A mother holding her daughter’s hand running from a wolf grabbing onto them. A knife cutting off the fairy-like wings of the daughter. The cow’s head was drawn in a way that viewed it like a chicken on sale being looked upon as a product and not an animal.
Towards The End of The Workshop
The illusion was a newer concept for the attendees. Pratik displayed some of his works to help them understand the concept better. He taught the basics of how to spill your imagination along with a moral you wish to talk about.
The attendees were from different parts of the country. They also belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rooftop, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.
On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!
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