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Gond Art Workshop with Aishani Jain

Gond art

Gond art is a form of painting that comes from folk and tribal art . The largest Tribe of India follows it. The term Gond has come from the word gond which means the green mountains in Dravidian expression. This art form is found mainly in Madhya Pradesh but is also common in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Odisha region. It reflects the close relation of man with its natural surroundings. Gond art resembles the aboriginal art from Australia. It is a unique handmade Indian tribal art form that provides a striking appearance to your home dƩcor and collection.

To give our Circle Members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this traditional art form, Rajasthan Studio curated a special workshop and invited Aishani Jain.

Aishani Jain is currently pursuing MFA from Government Fine arts college, Indore. She started her artistic journey when she was 5 years old and has won the prestigious National President Award at the age of 10 for Madhubani painting. Ever since her forte is in painting the traditional art form of India and wildlife.

Gond Art Workshop Began 

The Gond art workshop began with Aishani giving the attendees a brief introduction about the artform and talking about the artwork they would be working on. Furthermore, she spoke about the reasons why this art has more trees and animals in it. She was telling the attendees the importance of Gond art and the reasons why vibrant colours are used in this painting. Aishani elaborated about the artwork. She was very specific about the details she was doing on the Gond painting. She told the attendees how they could make their artwork more beautiful and realistic by using different curves and lines.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

Towards the end, Aisahni had a look at all the attendees Gond paintings. She was very happy to give them tips to make their gond The workshop ended with a warm goodbye and happy faces with beautiful artwork of all.

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rajasthan studio as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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