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Floral Illustration Workshop With Smriti Maheshwari

Floral Illustration Workshop

Floral Illustration Workshop: Watercolour Paintings are the resulting paintings made from dipping watercolour pigments into water. Beautiful floral illustrations can be painted with these watercolours by using a few techniques. To educate the Circle Members more about floral illustrations with watercolours, Rajasthan Studio curated a Floral Illustration Workshop and invited Smriti Maheshwari.

Smriti is an architect by profession and an artist by passion. She practices mediums like watercolours and gouache and also does brush calligraphy and copperplate calligraphy. She is also keen to learn and explore new art forms. Currently, she is learning the Devanagari Script. Art for her is like therapy and she can spend hours creating and exploring art.

The Floral Illustration Workshop Began

Smriti began the workshop by talking about the different kinds of strokes used in watercolour painting and also demonstrated each of them. Then, she gradually showed the technique of painting roses and leaves by using the push and pull technique. Using the same technique she also painted lilies, sunflowers and daisies. All 27 attendees painted along with Smriti.Ā 

The curious attendees asked several questions regarding the brand of colours and brushes used and the brush strokes. Smriti patiently answered the questions while adding detailing to the sunflowers using a contrast of dark and light colours. She gave several suggestions to the attendees, one of them being,

We must leave little blank spaces in between the petals to give the flowers a more natural look

Towards The End Of The Workshop

At the end of the workshop, Smriti showed the different layouts of floral illustrations – wreath, border, bunch or background. The attendees displayed beautiful floral illustrations on the camera and impressed Smriti. The session was very informative and colourful.

All the attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform.

Rooftop as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.

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