Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Dot Art DIY Coasters Workshop with Shrutika Bhagwan Dhomse

Dot art diy coaster

Mandala art has well blended with the new age innovation and ideation. It’s no more just a traditional art form that uses some geometric shapes and is seen on the walls. It has evolved beyond it. The striking art form has received so much acceptance and admiration that the professionals holding expertise are using it as a major source of income and to channelise their creativity for the better. 

Dot Mandala art is something that is in good highlight. Using the art form, creative minds are rectifying their overall experience and knowledge. If you’re wanting to achieve similar mastery and are wondering how one can acquire this expertise? The Rooftop‘s Dot Art DIY Coasters Workshop with Shrutika Bhagwan Dhomse is all you need to access. Wonder why? Go scrolling, we have your question well answered!Ā 

About the Artist:- 

Shrutika Dhomse is a Fashion Management graduate and a true art lover who aims to have her presence spread to various elements, transforming it into a commendable artefact. Mandala art has been her favourite activity and passionately spreading it to the creative minds of the generation. 

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The Dot Art DIY Coasters workshop began:- 

The workshop began with the host introducing the mentor and her years of experience that were going to be utilised and passed on to the creative minds wanting to excel in a similar field. On successful introduction, the mentor took over the session and began with briefing details of Dot Art DIY Coasters Art. 

After sharing some successful mantras, she began with the process of making Dot Art DIY Coasters. She ensured to remain sound and precise enough to reach the ears of learners with effectiveness. Following her guidance and supervision, learners made the most out of the session. Shrutika throughout the session remained open to questions and queries and assisted them with utmost transparency and care. 

Towards the end of the Dot Art DIY Coasters workshop:- 

The workshop concluded on a very productive note, letting the mentor and her attendees create an amazing spread of Dot Mandala art. The art pieces of the attendees were highlighted towards the end of the workshop and were also tailored with effective comments. These attendees were of different age groups, connected to each other through art and its spread. 

Rooftop, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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