Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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DIY String Art Workshop

DIY String Art By The Circle Community

String art is also known as Pin and thread art. In this art, the arrangement of color threads is suspended between some points to form geometrical patterns.  This art was quite popular in the 70s but was vanished for some time. Recently this retro craft enjoyed its comeback while becoming a craze among young artists, there’s no way it’s going! Making DIY String Art can be a fun and thrilling experience as String craft requires very few materials as well adds some beauty to your walls.

To share the magic of this enthralling experience with our circle family, we at Rooftop organized an amazing session with the duo of expert artists Jasleen and Ruchika.

About The Artists

Jasleen and Ruchika, the founders of “artisticpitara”, an Instagram-based business page, are ardent art enthusiasts who love to create beautiful and mesmerizing artworks with a very appealing nature. They both worked in the Corporate sector for an MNC but ditched their jobs to create something of their own. Further they always felt lost and disheartened while working at the firm and wished to have their name in the world of arts, and lo!. They started their own Instagram page, three years back and till now, worked tirelessly to achieve their dreams and fuel their passion. Although they have practiced a lot of art forms, DIY String Art always dominated their hearts, so for two years, they’ve been into creating String artworks and been their talents on the page.

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And The DIY String Art Workshop Began

The DIY String Art workshop began with a brief introduction to Jasleen and Ruchika also their journey as artists, They then greeted and expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards the attendees of the workshop. With a quick insight into the significance of the art form, they began to create the artwork all from scratch. They initiated the process by nailing the pins and suspending threads in between them. Ruchika laid emphasis on the direction in which threads are attached to avoid the designs getting altered. The attendees were very engrossed in the workshop. As Ruchika and Jasleen provided some important tips and tricks while creating the artwork. They also suggested avoiding tying knots and using fevicol instead.

Towards The End Of The DIY String Art Workshop

As the workshop progressed towards completion,  Ruchika and Jasleen displayed some of their previous artworks. Those were equally mesmerizing and strikingly beautiful. The workshop concluded with the attendees thanking them for teaching the whole process in such a fun and easy manner.

The attendees were from different parts of the country. They belonged to various age groups, but their love for art brought them on one platform. Rooftop as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a positive and magical vibe altogether.

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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