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Crochet Art Workshop with Sakina Challawala

Crochet Art Workshop with Sakina Challawala

Crochet art never falls offseason. It gets better with time and even better when you channelize your creative thoughts within it. Crochet art is a unique art form that allows you to create multiple artifacts using thread. You can give your own unique structure and pattern to it. If done religiously it can also add to serve you as a major source of income. 

Wondering, how to begin? Let the Circle Community assist you. The Crochet Art Workshop with Sakina Challawala by the Circle Community is a perfect opportunity to get started with the crochet craft and win yourself several opportunities. The session briefly takes through every minute to major details of crochet art and thus, helps you achieve mastery on the same. For more details, go scrolling. 

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About the Artist:- 

Sakina Challawala is an engineer by profession and an artist by passion. She holds impressive years of working experience with Crochet Art and thus has now developed irreplaceable expertise in the same. 

The workshop began:- 

The Crochet Art Workshop began with the host making a special introduction about the mentor and her years of expertise in the art field. She then took over the session and began with showcasing a few crochet elements that were to be taken as an inspiration before getting started with the new one. 

Sakina now began by introducing steps and materials involved in acquiring the end result. She showed a few steps and hook points to remember when getting comfortable around the art form. Small, different pieces were being made by Sakina following simple and easy steps. The attendees were co-creating the pieces too. Sakina throughout the session remained loud and clear in terms of her instructions and accepted questions and queries with great enthusiasm. 

Towards the end of the workshop:- 

The Crochet Art workshop concluded on a quite fruitful note. It allowed learners to grab some quick and easy ways to get started with crochet making. The art pieces made by the attendees were highlighted in the end and were guided with effective comments. These attendees were of different age groups who connected passionately to learn & evolve trying new & varied art forms, which the Circle Community successfully allowed them to do. 

The Circle Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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