Today’s hectic lifestyle requires a lot of energy and motivation to cope with it. The busy schedules affect physical and mental health drastically. People are experiencing major mental disorders including bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and anxiety disorder. Creativity works as a remedy for recovery with life even in these complications. Creativity is a fragrance of real health, when words fail to express, creativity saves. Rooftop will analyze the correlation between creativity and recovery.
Art Therapy And Betterment
There are many ways of art therapy and healing techniques. These techniques are extremely effective in addressing mental issues and recovering from them. When medication fails, the inner determination of an individual serves as the ultimate weapon. This weapon for him to recover and innovate in a time like this serves as the cherry on the cake. The research of the National Library of Medicine proves that making art lowers cortisol levels, a stress-related hormone in the human body.
Need Not To Be An Artist To Get Art Therapy
There are many ways of art therapy and healing techniques that are extremely effective in addressing mental issues and recovering from them. When medication fails, the inner determination of an individual serves as the ultimate weapon for him to recover and innovation in a time like this serves as the cherry on the cake. The research of the National Library of Medicine proves that making art lowers cortisol levels. A stress-related hormone in the human body.
Need Not To Be An Artist To Get Art Therapy
Lack of artistic skills and experience tops the list of reasons why the majority of people assume that art as a therapy is not meant for them. The main motive of art therapy is to calm the chaos inside and motivate to make an individual happy.
Art Therapy At Home
Whether it is about letting out the stress of everyday life or making art a healing and curative experience, you can enjoy doing various activities in the comfort of your home.
- Try to paint with impressions of your body parts like your thumb, and fingers by simply dripping paint. Ease the stresses of life by putting out every single problem that worries you from inside your head down on paper.
- Zen-doodling is a great way to make peace with anxiety. Practice mindfulness, turn off the outside noises, and be yourself.
- Painting with scissors is like collaging your difficult emotions using paper and magazine cutouts and processing that unacknowledged feeling.
- Automatic drawing is a perfect stress buster with random doodles appearing from the top of your head.
Check out The ultimate guide to art therapy for more insight!
Creativity And Its Healing Power
It is proven by famous psychologist and art therapist Dr Cathy in 2015 by citing multiple studies and confirming that being creative can increase positive emotions, lessen depressive symptoms, reduce stress, decrease anxiety, and even improve immune system functioning. For example, studies have proven correlations between creative fields and people living with mental illness. Some arguments support the idea that mental illness can enhance creativity, but it is also generally agreed that mental illness is not necessary to be present for creativity to exist.
Where there is art, creativity, and recovery, there comes Rooftop at your service always. With a variety of workshops scheduled all day long and shared experiences of various artists, you can learn about art. It has a positive impact it has on you anywhere, anytime.
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