Bhil Maestro Course by Padma Shri Artist Bhuri Bai
Meet master artist Padma Shri Bhuri Bai ji, who has been practising the beautiful art of bhil for decades!
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Quantity: 5
Bhuri Bai ji made her first wall paintings at the age of ten in her village in the district of Jahuba, which lies on the border between Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. After moving to Bhopal to find work she met Jagdish Swaminathan, the great figure of modern Indian art, theoretician, and co-founder of the Bharat Bhavan, the only Indian museum that places rural and urban art on equal standing.
Bhuri Bai ji is one of the very first women in her tribe to paint on paper and canvas. Bhuri Bai now works as an artist at the Adivasi Lok Kala Academy in Bhopal.
Selected Exhibition, Workshops, and Collections