Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Exploring the Evolution of the Guler School of Pahari Painting

Pahari painting, a form of Indian miniature painting, flourished in the foothills of the Himalayas between the 17th and 19th centuries. Among the various schools that emerged within this genre, the Guler School holds a prominent position. Known for its soft and delicate elegance, its lyrical depictions of nature and romance continue to captivate the hearts of art lovers.Ā 

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Uncovering the Rich History of the Buraq in Indian Art

All legendary beings are born this way. First, a whisper, a fleeting mention of a fabled appearance. Then, the questions appear. ā€˜Who is this creature?ā€™ ā€˜Who can tell me more about her?ā€™ The artist, the poet, and the thinker take inspiration from obscure parts of history, and fill in the gaps with their imagination. The Buraq in Indian art evolved from a nondescript beast to a unique cultural symbol over the span of several centuries.

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Mythical Creatures: The Simurgh in Indian Miniature Painting

Like the phoenix, we all wish to rise from the ashes. We wish to find victory even after tasting bitter defeat. The mythical bird is an irreplaceable part of modern culture and mythological narratives. But did you know that there are different versions of the phoenix? Some say that the legendary Simurgh is a predecessor of the phoenix. In this blog, we will look at the Simurgh in Indian Miniatures.

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Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery. Source: Gujarat Tourism

The Art Hubs of India: Part I – Baroda

Baroda, or Vadodara, is known as ā€˜The Jewel of Western Indiaā€™, and rightly so. The city has a long and rich history of cultural engagement, which will be highlighted through this article.Ā 

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Icons, Themes, And Objects: European Symbols in Mughal Art

With the rising influence of the Mughal Empire as not merely a local stronghold but a powerful ruling dynasty, it was inevitable that its people would soon come into contact with cultures far beyond their wildest dreams. In the second part of this two-part series, we will examine European symbols and how they affected the art of the Mughal Empire.

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Styles of Floor Art Painting in India

Floor art paintings have existed since the beginning of time, and not undergone much change since. Different cultures and civilizations are centred around these paintings, although they go by several names. These designs have both religious and spiritual meanings attached to them.Ā 

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Jain Manuscript Painting: A Glimpse At The Jain Kalpasutra Manuscripts

Once upon a time, Gods, demons, and spirits were said to have roamed the wild and breathtaking expanse of the Indian subcontinent. Tales of this unknown, fantastical existence differ in each group, each community, and each culture of humanity. In this very land were born the three most ancient religions still in practice: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

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Babur meeting with Sultan Ali Mirza at the Kohik River, from a Babur-nama (Memoirs of Babur) c. 1590. Image credit: Cleveland Museum of Art

Tracing the Evolution of Indo-Persian Art

Persia and India have a unique cultural link that is centuries old. Persia had a huge influence on Indian languages, culture, food and even art! In this fast-paced world, we sometimes forget what a unique melting pot of cultural antiquity our country is. Just as todayā€™s quaint Irani cafes sell fragrant Irani ā€˜chaiā€™, the Miniature paintings of the Mughal era represent a unique style of Indo-Persian art that was a synthesis of two artistic and cultural traditions.

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