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Madhubani Art

Recent Cultural Debates on Madhubani Art

Madhubani Art, like any other art form, is embedded in various relationships of power that impact our everyday lives. To understand the present position of the art form and its future, it is important to situate it in the larger context of artistic production.

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10 Steps to Write a Great Proposal for Art Grants

Writing a grant proposal in itself is quite diverse. You might be writing for a residency program, a fellowship, a project grant, or anything like that. No two applications can ever be the same. Some might give you straight questions, and others can be more twisted, along with boxes to fit your answers in. Some foundations require a list of things to be included in your proposal: project description, resume, budget, and so on.

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How Long Does It Take To Learn Traditional Art Forms?

Can You Learn Traditional Art Forms Quickly? Let’s get right into it. The truth is that traditional art forms are so complex that you can’t learn everything ‘quickly’. Whether you’re a beginner to traditional art forms or a professional looking to expand your skill set, you can easily pick up traditional art forms once you

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National-level Art Competitions You Should Participate in Now!

Participating in art competitions is the best way to showcase your talent and skills to the wider world. They help you gain confidence and recognition and you get a chance to learn from artists who are better than you. Art competitions are essential for a country like India which has a rich heritage and produced many art geniuses. In this blog, we will look at a handful of national-level competitions you should participate in.

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Watercolour painting

The Beginner’s Guide To Watercolour Painting

An Introduction To Watercolour Painting Are you a complete beginner to the world of watercolours? Or have your previous attempts resulted in dismal failure? This medium can be intimidating, as watercolour painting is very different from painting with acrylic or oil paints. The mesmerising fluidity of watercolour paint sets it apart from other art mediums.

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Learning Advanced Art Techniques: Composition And Perspective

An Introduction To Advanced Art Techniques Sometimes you may see an interesting effect in a painting and wonder how the artist achieved it. Did they have a fixed method or technique they followed? Art techniques are methods that make the drawing and painting process much easier. They are tried-and-tested ways of achieving a particular effect.

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Indian Art Forms

5 Popular Motifs Seen In Traditional Indian Art Forms

The Art Of Storytelling Using Motifs In Indian Art Forms Traditional Indian storytelling is filled with symbolism and metaphors. Motifs can be used to weave a story by associating simple elements with a myriad of qualities. The multi-faceted nature of symbols has always featured prominently in traditional Indian art forms. Depending on the theme and

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