Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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A wall mural in Bandra, Mumbai. Source: Homegrown

The Art Hubs of India: Part III – Mumbai

Mumbai, the bustling metropolis on India’s west coast, is famously known as the financial capital of the country; but it is so much more than that. It’s a vibrant centre for artistic expression. This cosmopolitan city boasts a rich artistic heritage, having evolved from a colonial outpost to a leading art hub in India. This transformation that spans centuries is a rollercoaster of a story ā€“ of colonial influence, artistic rebellion, and a thriving contemporary scene.

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Fostering Global Partnerships for Indiaā€™s Creative Industries

Collaboration among countries in the global south can help in the expansion of your market and enable greater access. It forms clusters or trade blocks that collectively will negotiate with international partners for products and services. This will provide a foundation for cultural affinities and heritage too. Diverse countries can come together and showcase their artistic and cultural prowess to a global audience.Ā 

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Dying art forms in the modern art world

India has a rich cultural diversity in the field of art, literature and its people. Unfortunately, due to the rapid rate of modernization, traditional Indian art forms are facing its brunt and are slowly fading away into extinction. There are several governmental schemes to preserve these dying art forms. However, most of us are not aware of these practices at all. Hence, spreading knowledge and awareness about Indiaā€™s art forms is the need of the hour.Ā 

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Benefits of art as home decorĀ 

Your home is your sanctuary! It is your place of relaxation and getting away from the outside world. Having a familiar and comfortable environment gives a sense of security and stability. It is a space you share with family and loved ones, building conversation and meaningful relationships. Most importantly, it is your personal canvas to express yourself and your identity. Hence, choosing home decor is not a task one should take lightly.Ā Ā 

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Common themes in Gond art

Gond art is a form of tribal art practised in Madhya Pradesh by one of the largest tribal communities in India. Their paintings are very easily noticeable, they are characterised by colourful dots and bold geometric lines. Gond artists love to incorporate vibrant colours such as yellow, orange, red, blue and green.

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21 Acrylic Painting tips for Beginners

Working with acrylic paints can be challenging, they are not like regular watercolours. They can be applied and set onto almost all non-greasy surfaces. There is no doubt that all paints require practice to perfect. So, here is a breakdown of all the doā€™s and donā€™ts when it comes to using acrylic colours.Ā 

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Styles of Floor Art Painting in India

Floor art paintings have existed since the beginning of time, and not undergone much change since. Different cultures and civilizations are centred around these paintings, although they go by several names. These designs have both religious and spiritual meanings attached to them.Ā 

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Emperor Jahangirā€™s Naturalistic Influence on Mughal Miniature Painting

Emperor Jahangir, the fourth ruler of the Mughal Empire, left an indelible mark not only on the political and cultural landscape of his time but also on the realm of art. Jahangir’s deep fascination for the natural world, coupled with his scientific curiosity, led to an unmistakable naturalistic influence on Mughal Miniature painting.

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