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Brush Strokes Workshop with Roma Ramnani

Brush Strokes Workshop with Roma Ramnani

Colours give wings to creative minds that have no limitations. That’s how a creative mind learns to step out of ordinary and create an extraordinary space for themselves. If you’ve been of a similar vision then the workshops at Rooftop is all that you need to explore. 

The very recent, Brush Strokes Workshop with Roma Ramnani at The Rooftop Community is a unique form of art craftation that briefs and guides you on winning mastery over art pieces using random brush strokes. Exciting, isn’t it? So continue to scroll to witness the magical guidance of the master Roma Ramnani in order to effectively imitate the learnings in your own life. 

About the Artist:- 

Roma Ramnani is a 30+ year experienced art professional who’s served multiple top-notch organizations with her sheer expertise. She holds commendable expertise in a variety of art forms like Sketching, Painting, Ceramic art and more. 

The workshop began:- 

With an impressive share of introduction to Roma Ramnani and her expertise in the field, the workshop began. She took over the workshop and began to brief attendees with some crucial learnings to remember when practising brush strokes painting. 

On successful completion, she began by briefing essential steps to abide by when using brush strokes. She shared a number of tips, tricks and hacks to remember and practise when trying to curate the best pieces. Colour choices and their ways of blending play a vital role according to Roma Ramnani. 

Roma Ramnani throughout the workshop remained extremely fruitful and widely open to the questions and queries requested by the attendees. Through her constructive guidance and supervision, the attendees felt truly confident and known to the art form. 

Towards the end of the workshop:- 

The workshop ended on a fruitful note under the sheer guidance of Roma Ramnani. Towards the end of the workshop, she created a number of brushstroke art pieces. The attendees of the workshop co-created the pieces too. Their pieces, in the end, were highlighted and guided with effective necessary moulds. 

These attendees were of different age groups passionately fueled with learning and exploring a variety of art forms. 

The Rooftop Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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