Expressing Emotions Through Art Workshop: Art is an expression of feeling and belief. It can be a record of what an artist is feeling. The artist makes choices about colour, line, texture, as well as composition to evoke or express feelings on their canvas. To understand this concept of expressing through art and its importance, Rooftop curated a workshop on Expressing Emotions Through Art and invited Sayli Potdar. She organizes workshops for family functions and corporate employee engagement. She believes that art isn’t only about drawing beautiful images, but also about one's self-expression.
The Expressing Emotions Through Art Workshop Began --------------------------------------------------
Sayli began the session by asking all the 25 attendees about how they deal with emotions of anxiety and distress. She then went on to explain the importance of expressing emotions in any form like art, journaling, photography etc. Next, she asked the attendees to introspect within themselves and remember any incident in their life that made them happy, sad and then angry. The interactive participants reminisced and shared their respective experiences.
Next, she patiently explained with a presentation how each colour can be associated with a different kind of emotion. Eventually, she asked the participants to express themselves through a flower. Considering the centre of the flower as an individual, the petals as family and friends circle and the background as the world, Sayli asked them to paint. Playing soothing music, Sayli asked them to completely focus on their emotions and express their honest feelings.
Towards The End Of The Workshop -------------------------------
The enthusiastic attendees showed their paintings and beautifully narrated the emotions that they tried to depict through their paintings. It was surely a very creative and therapeutic experience for the attendees. Sayli ended the session by showing an art journal which she herself uses to vent her emotions and said
Painting is a powerful tool to express and empower yourself and it is always better to vent your emotions through art instead of bottling them up.
In these uncertain times, this therapeutic session helped the attendees to introspect within themselves and their surroundings.
Rooftop as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.
On this note, here's us signing off until next time!