Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Basics Of Sketching Workshop By Aarju Aalam

Basics Of Sketching Workshop By Aarju Aalam

If you have the ability to conquer the basics, you could be the mastermind of anything. But for this, you need to acknowledge the wonders, invaluable mastery behind the ordinariness of basics. And that basic is sketching. An art form that necessitates not only your skills towards the detail but undue priority to focus and diligence. Sketching is not just a creative space, it something that concentrates on intricate work, complex techniques.

And to give our Circle Members the chance to learn about the creative techniques of sketching, Rooftop curated a workshop and invited Aarju Aalam.Ā 

Aarju started to learn sketching when he was very young. He began with cartoons but with his focus and enthusiasm to growing, he evolved so much into this art form. As of now he works on some detailed pieces and has a passion to learn more in this field. 

Basics Of Sketching Workshop Began

The basics of the sketching workshop began with Aarju giving a brief introduction about the different grading in types of pencils used for sketching. He even showed his collection alongside his workstation. In addition to this, he even gave way some information about the types of pencils and brands available in the market and what a beginner should start with. 

Moving further after starting with the sketching, Aarju gave some detailed information about techniques, consistency, and shades of pencils while sketching.Ā 

Towards the end of the Workshop

In the words of Aarju drawing could be learned, but while sketching one must keep in mind the minutest details and tips to make a fine sketch. Towards the end of the workshop, he kept the session open for questions and interacted with his attendees a little. The experience was quite enlightening and interesting. 

The attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rooftop community as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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