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Basics of Shading Workshop With Mehak Mahajan

Basics of Shading Workshop With Mehak Mahajan

Giving oneā€™s artwork a touch of reality is every artistā€™s priority. In reality, we know that we have certain dimensions in nature and it is quite a challenge to express these dimensions on paper. Shading or shadowing, therefore, is a taxing art form and needs a great deal of practice to master. 

To enlighten the Circle family about the art of shading and its techniques, TCC organized a professional workshop and invited artist Mehak Mahajan to facilitate it.

About the Artist

Mehak developed a passion for arts in childhood and never missed a chance to take part in any art-related competitions. She gained an ample amount of experience working from her childhood and mastered her skills in shading. As a passionate artist, she believes that thereā€™s always more to do and she still has a long way to go. Well, we wish Mehak all the very best in her amazing endeavors.

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And The Workshop Began

The workshop began with a lovely introduction of Mehak Mahajan and her remarkable journey in the field of art that helped the attendees learn more about her. Mehak started off by expressing her heartfelt gratitude towards the attendees and introducing the exceptional art of shading. She explained more about the various types of shading and the effect it brings to an artwork. She pointed out the measures to be taken while selecting the pencils and other materials to be used. Then she began drawing her work and simultaneously cleared the attendeesā€™ doubts and queries. The session was engaging and intriguing as the attendees were completely engrossed in making their own artworks. Mehak, too, made sure that no one was left behind.

Towards The End of The Workshop

As the session progressed towards its completion, the attendees were very delighted and thrilled as they were able to make their own works despite time constraints. They then showed their respective works to Mehak for feedback and she appreciated each one of them. The session ended with the attendees appreciating Mehak and TCC for conducting the workshop. 

The attendees were from different parts of the country and belonged to various age groups, but nothing could stop them from uniting and ultimately coming together on a single platform. TCC was once again triumphant in bringing art lovers together and celebrating the beauty of art and, not to mention, creating memories to be cherished for a lifetime.

On that note, hereā€™s us signing off until next time!

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