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Basic String Art Workshop with Riya Sood

Basic String Art Workshop with Riya Sood

String art is also known as thread art, the origins of string art go back to the 19th century, when Englishwoman Mary Everest Boole used a form of string art called “curve stitching” to help teach children mathematics. String art is weaving colored string, wool, wire, or yarn between hammered nails to make geometric patterns. Rpodtop curate a string art workshop.

About The Artist

Riya is a string artist, she is passionate about art and keeps her creativity channelised with her art work.

The String art Workshop Began

Riya greeted all the participants and thanked the host for the introduction. She first started fixing all the nails for the base, after inserting all the nails. She then started stringing making a heart shape, adding strings straight and cross making a beautiful string heart.  Riya concluded the string heart and kept it with a heart. The host appreciated Riya for creating the string heart. 

Towards The End of The String art Workshop

Riya Akshita created a heart-shaped string. All the attendees showed their co-created heart-string art to her. The host thanked Riya for teaching this innovative art form. The attendees were from different parts of the country. They also belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rooftop, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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