Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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Art Therapy Workshop With Sabira Hita

Art Therapy Workshop

In these uncertain times, only art has the ability to relax and de-stress our minds. Moreover, through art therapy, one can enhance their creative skills and relax their mind with its healing power. Rooftop invited Sabira Hita for this therapeutic Art Therapy Workshop. Sabira takes different workshops on self-enhancement, self-motivation, finding yourself, self-love, and self-confidence to help people battling with insecurities, anger, anxiety, or any such negative emotion.

The Art Therapy Workshop Began

Sabira conducted many creative and fun activities to help improve creativity skills and the power of thinking. Around 40 attendees joined us in this therapeutic experience of art therapy. From joining nine dots with only four lines to creating something artistic only by using a certain pattern given to them, Sabira encouraged everyone to think out of the box. She strongly believes that to improve our creative skills, it is very important to think out of the box.

Towards The End Of The Workshop

The attendees actively participated in all the activities and had a great one-hour session. Most of the attendees unleashed their creativity and came up with unique art styles of their own. These different styles showed the various perspectives the attendees had regarding the pattern shown by Sabira.Ā 

At Rooftop we believe in learning, imparting, connecting, and staying creative. Thatā€™s the reason why we organize workshops that help the attendees think creatively and express themselves through art.Ā 

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